What is should-enzyme: An library of extension functions for ShouldJS and a wrapper round Enzyme.
Why use it: Make it easier to test ReactJS components, improve readability of asserts and provide better error messaging on failing tests.
Should-Enzyme API in the read me on Github and is an NPM package.
You need EnzymeJS and ShouldJS installed to use Should Enzyme.
Install: npm i should-enzyme --save-dev
import "should";
import "should-enzyme";
Here is an example extension function to test if a CSS class is in the className string value.
render | mount | shallow |
yes | yes | yes |
Check to see if wrapper has CSS class.
import React from "react";
import { mount, render, shallow } from "enzyme";
const ClassNameFixture = () => (
<div className="special burger">Content here</div>
const wrapper = mount(<ClassNameFixture />);